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Ulimate frisbee - The flying sport.

Everyone has played with flying disc at least once in their lifetime no matter what right!! But did you know there is a whole new level or rather a “Ultimate level” to this flying disc than what we imagine it to be (a simple pass and play game).

The Ultimate 

Ultimate Frisbee also know as "Ultimate" is an exciting, non-contact team sport played by thousands all over the world in Open, Mixed and Women’s team. It is an easy-to-learn and inexpensive sport that requires a Frisbee, comfortable clothing, an open field, and the desire to have a lot of fun. The best part of Ultimate is you can get an awesome workout while you enjoy yourself! You will be constantly running, throwing, jumping... Basically having fun and getting fit at the same time.

Ultimate is played between two teams of seven players on a large rectangular pitch. A line drawn across the pitch at either end creates two “endzones” (like in American Football). These are the goal-scoring areas. A goal is scored when a team completes a pass to a player standing (or more likely running) in the endzone they are attacking. Simple right.!

Spirit of the game

Ultimate relies upon a 'Spirit of the Game' that places the responsibility for fair play on every player. There are no referees, the players are solely responsible for following and enforcing the rules, even at World Championship.  And believe it or not, Ultimate’s system of self-refereeing works. Beautifully

Ultimate facts
  • Frisbee is followed by more than 20,000 people in India.
  • This is one of the sport that receives next to no sponsorships, the players have to fund themselves. The level of dedication is "ULTIMATE".
  • Even before the flying discs were made, people used cake pan lids and pie tins to play.
  • It was introduced to the world for the first time on Independence day, 1970. (a patriotic game indeed)
  • Rock-Paper-Scissors is one of the many methods in "coin toss". 
  • It is not yet an Olympic event, but it is a World game event. 

Check this video out.


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