The basic idea in chess boxing is to combine the #1 thinking sport and the #1 fighting sport into a hybrid that demands the most of its competitors – both mentally and physically.
Think about It!
Come to think of it, couldn’t you follow the lead of chessboxing and combine any two sports? For instance ‘basketballsoccer’, where players alternate between 10 minute rounds of basketball and soccer.Though there really are no two sports that combine brain and braun as perfectly as ‘chessboxing’ does.
The object of chess boxing is to either beat your opponent in alternate rounds of chess or boxing. Matches can be won from either with the chess coming down to check mate or forfeit and the boxing in either a stoppage or points decision.
Quick Fact's
The sport was founded in 1992 and it is played in countries such as England, Germany, Netherlands, France, Russia and Japan. It also has a annual world championship.
Obviously,this is a very wacky and a dangerous sport which is why it is not recommended for the average person or kid. But,If you are a skilled boxer and a chess player,this could be a good physical and a mental challenge.You will be able to see how well you can think after taking a beating in the ring.
Obviously,this is a very wacky and a dangerous sport which is why it is not recommended for the average person or kid. But,If you are a skilled boxer and a chess player,this could be a good physical and a mental challenge.You will be able to see how well you can think after taking a beating in the ring.

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